Quad Star IIBuy Now
- General Specifications
- Stimulation Modes -TENS
- Stimulation Modes - MNES
- Stimulation Modes - INF
- Power Specifications
General Specifications
- Size: 6.30" x 2.75" x 1.25" (160mm x 70mm x 32mm)
- Weight: 11.4 oz. (323 grams)
- Channels: 4
- Waveform: Pulsed Sine (INF); Symmetrical, biphasic, square (MNES); Asymmetrical, biphasic, square (MNES, TENS)
- Pulse Rate: 1-120 Hz (TENS, NMES)
- Carrier Frequency: 4000 Hz, (INF)
- Interference Frequency: 4001-4150 Hz, (INF)
- Pulse Width: 50-400 µs (NMES); 10-250 µS (TENS); 125 microseconds (INF-fixed)
- Ramp Up/Down: 1 - 10 seconds (NMES)
- Cycle Time On/Off: 1 - 99 seconds (NMES)
Stimulation Modes -TENS
- Continuous: Constant Stimulation
- Rate Modulation: 50% decrease/increase of set value over a 10 second cycle
- Width Modulation: 50% decrease/increase of set value over a 10 second cycle
- Cycled Burst: 8 Pulses per burst, 2 bursts per second. Pulse Width (µS) is adjustable from 10-250 µS.
Stimulation Modes - MNES
- Constant: Constant Stimulation
- Cycled: On/Off Stimulation
- Reciprocating: Alternating Stimulation
Stimulation Modes - INF
- Continuous: Constant Stimulation (premodulated)
- Sweep 1: 1-10 Hz over 12 seconds
- Sweep 2: 80-150 Hz over 16 seconds
- Sweep 3: 1-150 Hz over 20 seconds
Power Specifications
- Output Voltage: 0 - 49 Volts (INF), 0- 60 volts (NMES), 0-50 Volts (TENS)
- Intensity: 0-98 mA (INF), 0 - 120 mA (NMES), 0 - 100 mA (TENS)
- Power Supply: 4 AA Batteries, type LR6
- Tolerances: +/- 1%
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